August 8, 2023

How to contain LLM Hallucinations, the way

LLMs have incredible potential but can generate inaccurate content, known as "hallucinations." Addressing this challenge is crucial for maintaining the trustworthiness of AI-generated information.

LLMs have incredible potential but can generate inaccurate content, known as "hallucinations." Addressing this challenge is crucial for maintaining the trustworthiness of AI-generated information. Here are 6 effective approaches to mitigate these hallucinations:

1️.Pre-training with Curated Data:

2️.Fine-tuning with Domain-Specific Data:

3️.Prompt Engineering:

4️.Human Review and Validation: Implementing a system that involves human reviewers to confirm and verify generated content adds an extra layer of assurance. These reviewers can identify and correct any inaccuracies or misleading information, ensuring the output aligns with the desired quality standards.

5️.Confidence Threshold and Filtering: Setting a confidence threshold for generated responses helps filter out uncertain or unreliable outputs. Anything below the threshold can be flagged for manual review or discarded, preventing the dissemination of inaccurate information.

6️.User Feedback Loop: Establishing a feedback loop with users is vital in identifying and addressing instances of hallucinations. Users can report any misleading or incorrect information they encounter, enabling the system to learn from these instances and improve its future responses.

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