March 15, 2024

Getting Started

How to setup Doc-E and start your free trial

Create content, answer support questions and educate your users right from your Community Engagement Platforms (Slack, Discord, Discourse, etc.).

Slackbot Deployment

  1. Workspace Admin privilege or permission is needed to install Doc-E.
  2. Click the "Add to Slack" button and authorize Doc-E app to access your workspace.
  3. After installing Doc-E in your workspace, please deploy it in the chosen channels.

Add to Slack

Here are the tasks you can now perform:--

  1. Convert conversation into blog in 1-click.
  2. Convert conversation into 20 content types in 2-clicks.
  3. Fine tune AI prompts to create new content types in 3-clicks.
  4. Draft, review & approve Answer.
  5. Directly ask Doc-E to answer your questions.
  6. Configure channel to automatically answer questions.
  7. Summarize Question Automatically.
  8. Add channel's unique details to questions before answering.

Discordbot Deployment

  1. Workspace Admin privilege or permission is needed to install Doc-E.
  2. Click the "Add to Discord" button and authorize Doc-E app to access your workspace.
  3. After installing Doc-E on your Discord server, it will be automatically added as an 'App' to all the public channels.

Add to Discord

Here are the tasks you can now perform:--

  1. Convert conversation into blog in 1-click.
  2. Convert conversation into 20 content types in 2-clicks.
  3. Draft, review & approve Answer.
  4. Directly ask Doc-E to answer your questions.
  5. Configure channel to automatically answer questions.
  6. Summarize Question Automatically.
  7. Add channel's unique details to questions before answering.

If you need still help or want a live demo session, please contact-us.

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